Monday, February 7, 2011

Just a quick note!

Hey guys,

If you love horses and enjoy a good laugh at the idiotic horse owners in America: I recommend you check out
This girl has some GREAT posts and its hilarious.

And: I have a new blog inspired by fuglyblog! Its Filly Facepalms and I find stupid ads on Craigslist and point out all the reasons why most Americans shouldnt own horses.
Check it out!


Friday, February 4, 2011

My hair is in LOVE!!!

Sorry for my abscence, life has been CRAZY! I keep up with my youtube a lot better cause its easier to turn on a camera throughout my day than too sit down and actually type this out. But, I have an AMAZING product I wanna share with you guys.

If you watch my Youtube, then you saw me mention this in my Random Thursday Beauty Haul. I went to TJ Maxx yesterday and found this really appealing shampoo and conditioner on sale for 2$ A PIECE! I could not let that pass by so I bought it and was a slight bit skeptical but, after using it last night I can honestly say I LOVE THIS.

This is the entire product line. I personally use Scottish Suite Ale in the shampoo and SCottish Pot Ale in the conditioner.

One thing I will toss out there, it made my hair SO SILKY SMOOTH that it wouldnt curl. So if you have naturally curly hair and dont plan on blowing it out straight or if you want to curl your hair, probably not the best choice.

If you are like me I like to use a different shampoo everyday so, this is great for the days I know I am going to blow my hair out straight.

My hair smelled AMAZING. Very fresh and nature-y and it was EXTREMELY shiney. Like I have literally never had my hair look so gorgeous. Even after sleeping on it and waking up this morning, my hair was soft and beautiful.

I am not sure why it is at TJ Maxx. I am still finding it in some online stores so, I am almost thinking that it may not be carried in retail stores anymore and thats why. Which will break my heart because I do love it but, at these deals, I will just go back to TJ Maxx and try something else new!

Thanks for the patience!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Im a slacker :(

Sorry for my lack of post lately guys!

Just wanted to update you on my newest review via Youtube of 3 amazing products by Bath and Body Works.

I wont be reviewing them on here but, have a blog planned for this evening so keep your eyes open :D
