Wednesday, August 24, 2011

And then....Brittney inspired me to blog again

Well what do you know! Never thought Id see the likes of blogspot again....I go through these phases you see, most of which involved blogging, not blogging, blogging, not blogging. After the last not blogging event, I thought Id cut the ties but......I guess I was wrong.

You see theres something I love about writing. Even if it is pointless venting that only 2 or 3 people will read. Maybe its the English major in me, maybe Im vain, maybe Im really hungry and desire to go get a pickle right....NOW!
Well, sorry, ADD kicked in there.

Maybe I just hope that one day I will be remembered for something more than just being a high school English teacher.

Im sitting in my stuffily hot apartment right now with my best friend since 7th grade/room mate, listening to her NOT yell at the TV because Skip Shoe-mannnanner-whats his butt of the Cardinals is pitching. (That was last nights entertainment, that and a very laugh-worthy Craigslist ad but, we wont get into that). All my homework is done and Im just, here. Bored. To. Death.

And with boredom comes one of my least favorite past times, thinking.
Thinking often leads to things I dont enjoy doing like, worrying for instance. I do that alot. Almost too much. In reality, most of my day is consumed by worry.

KONICHEWA BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today I did NOT walk into the wrong classroom, I did NOT stub my toe on the bed first thing as I woke up, and I did NOT forget to do my homework. Its a beautiful day, not too hot, and I dont have to work! LIFE IS GRAND!

This is a list of the grand things in my life right now:
1. Every morning I wake to my room mate singing to me some verse of a ever so popular Broadway musical.
2. My classes are.....enjoyable. GASP. Who knew that was possible???
3. I have a wonderful, near 2 year relationship that keeps me sane most of the time.
4. My two beautiful ponies, Archer and Dottie, are healthy, happy, and fat...Archer more than Dottie.
5. I can eat all the frozen food I want here without my mother saying, Meagan-eat your vegetables!
6. Im surrounded by Hello Kitty, who doesnt love that.
7. Im entertained constantly by my room mate and her canary-giggles, random seizures when the Cardinals are on TV, and her monsterous urges for chocolate.
8. I have a GREAT job.
9. Where I get a GREAT paycheck.
10. And I have AMAZING co-workers.

Theres much more I could list but....I wont bore you.
If you are still reading then, congratulations, you suck. You have no life. You are lower on the totem pole than I AM at this point.


Well, Im going to get off here and go jump in on my room mates facebook video chat convo with another good friend of mine.
When she reads this, she will break out into canary-laughter.
Life is good :D