Saturday, September 10, 2011

Tired, Toothless, and Typing

Hola all.
Well, guess who got all her wisdom teeth plus another one cut out yesterday?

If you guessed me then DING DING DING we have a winner!

My face hurts, its swollen and bruised, and Im very tired. For everyone who tells you getting your wisdom teeth cut out-they lie. They lie alot. The procedure itself doesnt hurt because your knocked out but the aftermath is god awful. And the ice cream doesnt help lol. In fact it makes you feel sick.

But, onto more positive thoughts.

I got elected Secretary of my Collegiate level Equestrian team! YAY ME!
I rode Candy at the last practice on Thursday. Shes a green and slightly temperamental palomino who everyone else fears but, we did GREAT together. I think Im meant for green horses hahaha.

My mom started talkin to me about possibly getting an English horse to board at the barn....that would be freaking awesome. Id probably die of a heart attack actually. Which wouldnt be so awesome because then what would the point of owning my own Hunter Jumper be?

Ugh my teeth hurt
And Im sleepy again.
I wanted to type and now I dont.

Ill just talk to you guys later.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Cant stop, wont stop, nu uh nu uh...

Its 10:23pm in the wonderful land of Missouri.
Im yawning every 2.5 seconds and yet I cant sleep.
Today was so god-awfully slow its like it sucked all my energy that I cant even force myself to fall asleep. So my last resort is to blog.

I've got a lot on my mind lately. I've been escaping to the barn I ride at frequently to hug a pony every now and then, it makes it a lot easier for me to push all my worries to the back of my mind. I've fallen in love with this handsome gelding there named Choco. Hes a flea bitten gray with a DF brand and two scars where he had sarcoma tumors removed. Hes a tad green but, willing. And I love the way his ears perk up when he hears my voice.

Of course, we can't forget about my uber favorite mare there, Carmel. I havent been able to ride her in months because she surprised us with a foal. Apparently she was bred before my barn bought her but, boy is that baby cute. And Carmy makes a good mum. Shes out of riding for a while now but, I cant wait until shes back. If I had all the money in the world Id buy that mare.

And Choco too :D

So what am I trying to put off in my mind you ask?
Its complicated.
Im stuck. No matter how hard I try, my goals always seem out of reach. Im living in the shadow of everyone else's foot steps and Im struggling to find my own light. Its not easy when your not the best rider, or the prettiest girl in class, or the best girlfriend either.
Ive been a rather shitty girlfriend these past couple of weeks I guess but, shhhh- Dont tell my ginger I admitted that.

I dont mean to take it out on him but, Im so stressed out about the future that every little thing bothers me. I need to stop worrying so much but, I cant help it. Thats just my nature. Im so anxious, I live in fear of everything that I cant predict with a strong hand.

Unless Im with the horses though.
And being away from Dottie and Archer sucks.
I love riding all the horses at Fox Run, dont get me wrong but, I get to missing my babies. I dont feel like its fair to them that Im not around as much as I should be. Stupid college. Stupid money. If board wasnt so high, theyd be up here in a heartbeat. Ive thought about it seriously lately but, I cant ride Dottie english, shes NOT built for that. So whats the point in boarding her at the English barn then? And I cant afford board. No way that is happening any time soon.

Apartments suck. No ponies allowed here.
The first thing Im going to do when I go home Sunday is take Dottie baby out for a good long ride and give them both baths. That should do them some good. Work keeps me from going home and enjoying all of my 3 day weekend but, since I dont work Mondays and its labor day I actually get a 2 day weekend whereas with school, I only get Sundays to myself.

Schools been stressing me out too. I cant seem to keep my head above water anymore. Ive been so spazzy with school, Im already losing focus. Ugh. I just want summer back.

On the plus side, the start of this term means the Redhawks Equestrian Team is all back together again. I love that. These girls are like family, they never let me down. I cant wait for our first competitions, the first two weekends in October. I have a lot of training to prepare but, I want to come home with a ribbon. I have too. To prove it to myself and to everyone else.

I know I get stressed but, Im not giving up. This is my life and Ive got to do what I want with it. Or die trying.....