Saturday, September 10, 2011

Tired, Toothless, and Typing

Hola all.
Well, guess who got all her wisdom teeth plus another one cut out yesterday?

If you guessed me then DING DING DING we have a winner!

My face hurts, its swollen and bruised, and Im very tired. For everyone who tells you getting your wisdom teeth cut out-they lie. They lie alot. The procedure itself doesnt hurt because your knocked out but the aftermath is god awful. And the ice cream doesnt help lol. In fact it makes you feel sick.

But, onto more positive thoughts.

I got elected Secretary of my Collegiate level Equestrian team! YAY ME!
I rode Candy at the last practice on Thursday. Shes a green and slightly temperamental palomino who everyone else fears but, we did GREAT together. I think Im meant for green horses hahaha.

My mom started talkin to me about possibly getting an English horse to board at the barn....that would be freaking awesome. Id probably die of a heart attack actually. Which wouldnt be so awesome because then what would the point of owning my own Hunter Jumper be?

Ugh my teeth hurt
And Im sleepy again.
I wanted to type and now I dont.

Ill just talk to you guys later.

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