Thursday, December 3, 2009

when did jesus turn the heater off?

It is soooo cold in the state of Missouri.
I busted out the toboggan, gloves, and scarf today in preperation for the weather. However the weathmen LIE.
We got NO snow..just cold windy rain.

So today was cold and wet. I went back to the internship today for the first time since before I left for Atlanta. It was great to get back to the studio. YHC is by far no CNN but its so homey and cute. Who couldnt love to be a part of this experiance?

During school nothign all that eventful happened. I went from class to class in somewhat of a daze. Its that rainy day weather again, it just gets me down!

Dance was late today since its a pre-game Thursday!
Our first performance is tommorow night during halftime of the Varsity game.
Our dance is flawless and you can tell we have practiced our butts off.
Itll be wayyyy worth it!

I spent most of the day cleaning. I didnt get to see Pat today but its ok, I get to see him tommorow and he is going to come watch me dance :D

Ugh I really have nothing to say to entertain you folks.
So today will be a semi short blog

Oh guess what....what goes around comes around
If you are uber hatefull to everyone, everyones gonna wind up hating you
Pretty much a universal lesson but still
i love it when it happens!

Whenever I hear that song now, Im forced to think of an orgasim. Gee thanks for ruining my innocence.

Thank the dance team <3

nighty night folks
<3 forever true, gunz

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