Thursday, November 26, 2009

what is one ADD girl plus one 12 hr bus ride? DISASTER!

Aloha my faithful imaginary readers!

Sorry for the lack of post last night, not that you cared. It was my day off of school for Thanksgiving break and I was one busy kid. Packing, Working, Lunching with Pat, Driving, Asserting Myself at Walmart, Packing More, Spending My Time with Pat Before I leave Today.


I had lots of house work to do. You see we OCD diagnosed kids dont like clutter. or mess. or just pure nasty. So I worked and got the house spotless.


my stomach just like guessing I should eat breakfast.

Anywho Pat and I went out to lunch with his friend Kelly and his girlfriend Lydia. We ate Mexican, again. Lol I swear just the two of us keep that place in business. Then we grabbeda milkshake and drove around just chatting. It was really nice.

I came back, worked a bit more, then began packing for my trip to 4H National Congress. I leave my hometown around 8 I think, I have to be in ST LOUIS by 12 tonight to meet the Greyhound Bus I will be riding on. We are Atlanta bound! I wont be back untill Midnight next Tuesday and I may not have internet. So dont be depressed if I have no postings lately.

Not that you would be.

For some reason my brother and I are watching some Barbie movie.


Oh I went back to Pats last night :D

No details needed.

Im gonna miss him the 5 days Ill be gone....

Hey hey its lesson time

If you have had problems with a cashier at Walmart once, you will have problems with them again. I live like 15 min out of town, ok. So I drove to walmart to get a couple of things for my trip, including a new itunes card to update my songs. However when I drove ALL the way home and tried to redeem my card guess what.
Previously she had messed up my LAST CHECK and I had no cash to pay for my stuff.
I had been screwed.
I knew better when I saw her at the register then allow her to check my stuff out but nooo I was too lazy to get outta line.
So guess who had to drive all the way back to town to return the card.
The people at the service desk said there was No Way the card couldnt have been activated, however when they too ran it thru the scanner they noticed it hadnt been :D

Kids Say the Darndest Things!
Guess where we were when my 11 year old brother yelled this statement?
A public restroom in a cramped gas station.
Gotta love little attitudes!

Im out.
Possibly for 5 days.
Enjoy my abscence and dont die. K? K!
Forever TRUE

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

i promise you hun, these needles are one size fits all

I conquered one of my biggest fears today.
If any of you non existant readers I have, have ever taken Psychology then you know of the term Flooding.
For those that havent, flooding is when you take someone with a illogical fear and bombard them with that substance or things relevant to it.
So when I agreed to work the schools blood drive I didnt realize I would become the test subject for flooding. I was supposed to work front desk but wound up being a comforter, having to hold the hands of those being stabbed with the rather large pen-size needles.

It was eww. I almost fainted. It was all warm and squishy.
Ugh I refuse to think about it ever ago.

So yeah got to skip school to help kids save lives.
Did you know that with every blood donation you make of a full bag you save three lives? Amazing isnt it? I wish I couldve given myself, even with my fear of blood. Unfortunately I was under the weight requirments for those of my height.

Dance was only for an hour.
One hour of pure and sheer hard work that I loved every minute of.
Afterwards Pat and I went out to eat. It was nice. Just being with him is nice.
Off of the mushy gushy stuff though!

I leave for Atlanta midnight of Thanksgiving day. WOOT WOOT
Im excited but Ill admit Im kinda nervous....and Im going to miss Patrick a ton. But its going to be an amazing experiance.
While Im on that trip I may be too busy to update daily, or allow my posts to be so long but Im going to try my hardest to do so.
Not for my non loyal readers but this bloggin crap really helps de-stress and break down my day. I look forward to the daily recap every night. It reminds me of the simple details.

Like tonight for instance.
As I was walking from Pats truck up to my door the trains in the distance sounded louder than ever. It wasnt a nuiscance though. The sound was mesmerizing. I was captivated.
I can hear it now, from my room.
Have you ever noticed how a trains whistle/horn starts high and seems to fade off?
I hadnt..untill now.

Every day we have small life lessons
My lesson for today is more valuable than the past ones. Its to live every moment to your fullest and any chance you get to help those in need.
I signed the back of my liscense today to be an organ donor.
My real daddy was an organ donor. All of his organs were destroyed in his car accident though, except for his eyes. And all we know is some guy in Florida has them.
My daddy helped a man see.
Its amazing. I want to give blood and to share the gift of life with others.
Im sure this isnt as amusing as most my life lessons but every now and then we have to be serious. Life is short. Why take for granted what we have? Why not share something that is plentifull?

and Every day hillarious things are said.
So whats the opposite of having sex? Eating dinner with your grandma?
Its even more funny when you type it!
Explination? I believe so.
Victorias secret makes this 'sensual lotion' that is supposed to heighten the hormones and senses.
We high schoolers call it sex in a bottle.
It does smell good :D
Anywho the only person it doesnt seem to work on is my dear friend Cody. He said it made him feel the exact opposite of sexual.
And thats when Andrew quoted that little doozy up at the top/

I beleive thats it for the night.
Hey guess what no school tommorow!
Hey guess what. I still gotta be at my internship at 6:45 to sit there untill 7:30
And then what?

Forever true,

Monday, November 23, 2009

shooooot! me? an epic fail. awww how kind of you to thinks so :D

man oh man.
what a freakin day!
guess how i spent it? Any guesses? No? None?
Well...I was at school.
Somebody, pass me a gun to blow my brains out.

All the members of the senior class had to take the armys ASVAB test today.Major suckdome.
It was the most pointless 3 hours of standerdized testing of my life.
Im not even being a drama queen.
Ok...maybe a tad.

We recieved a blank piece of 'scratch paper' to do our figuring on. However my friends and i put it to a more purpousefull use. Meaning...we doodled on it. We drew the most girly stuff we could think of. Flowers. Hearts. Butterflies. Pretty girly sayings in fancy cursive writing.
Then we wrote things such as
I only like Navy boys
the army will judo chop your head if your not quiet during this test
really big all over them.
We didnt know theyd be COLLECTING the papers.
Our test was interupted by a group of large Army men laughing and pointing at our table after going over our scratch papers.
Not that I minded. I mean a little interuption isnt gonna disturb my thought process on how a carborator works in a pre 1990 truck engine (who the eff knows that anyway?)

It was a 2hr practice.
I was gross and sweaty.
I had prior arangments to have mah bf pick me up.
So he got to see me at my...not so beautifullest.
We drove to Leora to get my car and oh...guess what. It couldnt be fixed. Because the expensive used car sunroof motor my dad ordered and I paid for...was broke.
Thank you ebay for sucking.

Dont order used car parts of ebay.

Somebody, please, check her vocal chord for air leaks because her voice is NASELY and NASTY
No time to explain.
The parentals are kickin me off for the night.

Muchos amore (italian for much love, idiots :D)
Forever True, Gunz

ps. a good guy is gonna like you when your at your grossest, yay for me pickin a good guy this time around :D

Sunday, November 22, 2009

this is kinda the diary of a teenage girls subconcious thoughts..and not the pervy kind

Yeah yeah,
So i skipped a day.
Get over it :D

Nothing interesting happens in Arkansas anyway and my muse to blog was just dead! Not that any of you were complaining. I still doubt anyone reads this.
Which is fine by me. This actually just a place for me to get everything out in the open. An by everything I mean just the stuff I feel like talking about at the time.

Im a very twisted individual.
I love it.

Anywho...we came back home today. Yayyy Missouri *insert sarcism here please*
Have I ever mentioned how much I dislike this state?
If not, let the records show that I DISLIKE MISSOURI.
Funny how its pronounced so close to Misery, aint it? Heh. Heh. Heh.

I got school tommorow.
And my early morning internship.
And dance practice.
Ohjoi. (Oh joy for you not so smart readers)

Im actually really hyped about dance. Speaking of which I REALLY need to get on burning CD's from that flash drive from coach (etches mental note into mind) because on Thursday around Midnight I leave from STL to head towards Atlanta, Georgia for 4-H National Congress!
Yessireee I am a proud 4-Her.
The only negative about this trip is bein away from mah mannnn who apparently missed me durin the three days I was gone to Arkansas :D
I found this out when I went to his house tonight.
Get yer mind outta the gutter, he told me he missed me.

Bunch of pervs XD

Life Lesson for Sunday Afternoons
You probably shouldnt save all 4oobillion math assignments you have to make up that are due the following monday, till the sunday before. I figured that out the hard way.
Ohh Algebra II
How you give me heartache.
(yes I am mathmatically dumb and as a senior am taking a predominately freshman/sophomore class...mouth)

Hillariousness at its golden-est
I think your dog is Jesus :D
Mah BF's dog is either
A> Severly insecure (or jealous...awkward)
B> Possesed by Jesus...whom would hate to see us share anything more than a 5 foot radius of one another LOL

I think Im gonna go with B
It just seems logical!

I must sleep and hope my alarm doesnt forget to go off!!
<3 Gunz
Forever True

Friday, November 20, 2009

im the girl who plays all my ringtones on my phone and sings along

Hola to all.
For the idiots of the world hola is spanish for hello.
Today is Friday.
I hate the freakin week.

Im spending the weekend with my family in Arkansas. Which means my blog wont be as eventful. The funniest things happen at school which is my own personal form of Hades. Im curently listening to my brother and cousin arguing over which Greek God is what.
Yeah...we are all very intellectual.
Its kinda funny to get my family together. You see we all have high intelligence levels in different feilds.

The boys are really mathmatical and science oriented. Surprise there.
Most the girls are very factual about History, myself bein one of them.
I however dominate the english part.
My word choices arent always the best though.

Today my alarm didnt go off. I have to be at my internship at 6:45 every morning so I normally wake up at 5:30.
My alarm didnt go off.
I woke up at 6:10
I have never got ready so fast in my life
and I didnt even look trashy!

School was long. yet again Zyva the diva dominated my day
I think she rules my body now.
Oh well.
I kinda like it.

You can actually blow up from gas buildup. Like seriously, your insides can explode. How wicked.
This all came about when I explained I had a weird pain in my lower abdomen.
I was teased that it was
A: a baby (not possible folks)
B: gas

I know i didnt have to fart lol.
But we researched it anyway and whales have blown up due to gas buildup before. SO CAN HUMANS.
I had a minor freakout. But the pain went away and no I didnt blow up
Thank god

Quotes? Quotes!:
What crawled up your butt and died?
Apparently even though I wasnt experiancing gas lil brother was.
And for the whole 3 hour car ride to Arkansas he released said buildup.
No wonder our dog got so car sick lol

All right folks.
Nothin more to report.
Ill post tommorow.
Who knows maybe it will be more eventful.

Forever True, maeGUN

Thursday, November 19, 2009

ive noticed that i only sing along to the songs i hate the most

It was one of those days.
You know the kind, your mad at the world and everything/everyone ticks you off.
Yeah. That was today.

I presented a special report on the Dance Team today on YHC news. That was fun. Actually, lie. None of my day was particularily fun. But still, the internship is going to reflect well on my future career so I suck it up and smile.
Even if I have to smile at 6:30 in the morning.

People just ticked me off today. Now I know most of you wouldnt believe this from my chaotic ranting in the previous postings but I am actually a genuinly sweet natured person. Im spontaneous and very go with the flow. I usually let things roll off my shoulders, no sweat.
Not today.
I yelled at some girl in the hall way for getting off the hook discipline wise.

Well..maybe I should elaborate.
So that shall consist of my rant of the day:
Just because you are a foster kid, doesnt mean you should expect or recieve special treatment. We all have struggles at home. Get over yourself.

Today in Study Hall I had to use the restroom for Ladies Purpouses. Let it be on the record that I am NEVER late to class and have had very few problems with the Study Hall Attendees. So I politely go up and whisper to the lady that I need to use the restroom for such purposes.
You know what she tells me?
Its gonna cost you a tardy, and if your not back within 5min Ill give you two.
At my school three tardies in one class=detention.
What upset me even more is the foster girl in my class is ALWAYS late, ALWAYS disrupting class, and ALWAYS getting threatened to be given a tardy. However does the lady pick on her? NO! The girl got a detention, cried, and they took it back from her. Everyday they say "NAMELESS do not be late or I will give you a tardy". Guess whos late
Guess who is tardyless
Guess who got a tardy for having to fix and issue that nature sent apon me.
Yes...I felt the need to share that :D
So yeah. I was needless to say upset.
And said girl feels the need to listen in to all my conversations and insert her stupid input and comments in as well.

Today was a Zyva day.
Meagan didnt even wake up this morning lol.

However my loyal car The Batmobile is finally getting fixed.
My sunroof motor died and it got stuck open on perhaps one of the rainest months of the year.
My luck is grand.

It was also one of those days that was so bad I wanted to work it off. Some people run. Others lift weights. Some play ball. Some bike.
I dance my anger away.
Practice was so tough but I was so into it I couldve danced forever.
My emotions were just let loose into the music and I was in heavan.
I left practice feeling alot better.

omgosh you just converted three christians to scientology, LEVEL UP!
I feel an actual explination is needed for this one.
My dance team girls and I were joking about how scientology reminded me of an awful video game with the alien God overlord and their cult like money suckingness (such as the popular game WOW)
Someone asked how this game would work. How would one level up.
Which is how the quote of the day came about.
We streched the joke on as about as far as it could go.

Well kids
I gotta get some sleep.
My body hates me tonight.
Sleep well America
Stay Gold Ponyboy, Stay Gold

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Its not a good thing when you scan down your hallway and wonder, "We are supposed to be seniors?"

Good evening folks, well if any of you read this that is.
If you do, thanks for the dedication
and if you dont....well I could say anything I want about you on here because you wont read it :D

Quick run-thru of my day

I ran the camera at YHC today and guess what! I didnt blow anything up, knock down any thousand dollar equipment, or air us on the wrong channel! What do you know, Bubbles can work after all! However as much as camera work was fun, I quite enjoy being in front of the camera more. Call me a media whore, I dont care. Its true!

Its rather late tonight....I shouldve been in bed by nine in order to actually operate tommorow but hey, Im so dedicated to my blog that no one probably reads that I knew I needed to stay up and post. But I got side tracked.

It rained all friggen day. I dont know about you but I hate drizzly days. They make me sleepy and slightly cranky. I decided that on days that I am cranky my alter ego must step out. And well...she needed a name. So I properly named her Zyva the Diva (The Y makes her unique :D)
We spent all of study hall developing a personality for my imaginary alter ego which quite frankly was the highlight of my day. Apparently Zyva has been to juvie twice and is quite the go-getter-gal if you get my drift hahah. FAR FROM WHO I AM. I decided after my best friend Brittney snapped on me with her rainy-day-cranky-osity that she too had a alter ego. Hers was Zyva's evil twin sister Zynascia. (Zin-ah-shuh). Of course Britt had to top my story so Zynascian hasnt been to juvie
She has just been to Quantanamo Bay.
Thanks B.
And get your elbows off the table.
Its rude.

Dance was non-existant today. It was media day and we had to dress up in our new sparkle vest uniforms and have the pic taken for the pamphlety things they give out at the game. Fun.

I then went to my boyfriends house were we continued the WWII showing on the History channel. Of course however I fell asleep on him before the really good part. I dont regret it though, he made an awfully good cuddly and sweet smelling pillow :D

My dbag of an ex thought it was a good idea to talk to me on msn. I thought i deleted him from everything...apparently not.
Not to worry though

He is now :D

If you are a senior you should probably NOT act like a bunch of idiots in the halls, k? So next time one of you 'super cool' jock types bumps into me after party boying some skeez of a freshie I promise I will show your face exactly what a elephants foot would feel like if it kicked you
Only with my fist.
Ive had about enough of the dumb guys at my school starting high school sororities and elite clique like clubs. GET OVER YOURSELF YOU EGOTISTICAL MORONS.
We dont think your cool for acting like that. In fact we all look at you like your an idiot.
Because you kinda are.

Hillarious Quote from today
Sorry if this offends anyone of the Jewish denomination, it was not meant as derogitory (cant spell today, yay). It was simply Zyva coming out in me.
"You good for nothing Arabian JEW!"
Zyva doesnt like her twin Zynascia...especially when Zynnie calls me a cocktease....
which Zyva is...not so much me.
I dont think

Well world. Off to bed I go.
Good night
Get some sleep

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Theres always one person who trips and falls everyday, yeah...thats me

Hello America.
Welcome to another random edition of She Shot the Bullet.

Today I would like to talk to you about the importance of not becoming known across your school as the clutz. Because any time you get out of your chair or stand up to walk, people will gasp and stare and await your every so gracefull fall to the floor. Trust me, not exactly the type of fame I was going for.

Oh and be sure you can pronounce names right before you are broadcasted across Southeast Missouri on cable television. Apparently we reach 38 cities. All 38 of those cities watched my awfull name faux pas this morning in which my co-host publically teased me for. I merely brushed it off (when you are me you learn NOT to get embarasssed easily) but still...not exactly how I planned my day to go down.

So you can tell that from the start I knew this would be a whopper of a day.

School was lame. I managed to barely pass two psychology quizzes because rainy days put me in a somber mood and somber moods make my intelligence depleat.
Please, no blonde jokes inserted here.

Dance practice was AMAZING. Really. I do reccomend you watch us if you are in our area. And hey if you get cable channel 21, YHC, in SE Missouri, you can watch us broadcasted. All of our streams are also on
Give us a looksie
My bloopers prolly on there by now.

So when I went to the boyfriends house tonight we watched WWII on the History Channel in HD. It was actually really interesting. Except for all the dead body pics and bloody gore-ness
side note: blood makes me pass out
you can imagine how that was for me

Dont freaking be an idiot and wear short shorts when its 50 degrees outside and raining!
I dont know if my school is full of idiots or skeezes, but on that note there were at least fourty of them donning a hoodie, short soffee shorts and either flipflops (idiots) or even worse...rain boots with the short shorts.
Do you not look in a mirror before you leave?
Im no man but I believe i speak for all the male population when I say that it is NOT attractive to be a hoochie and risk getting pneumonia (i also cant spell).

Just dont be a hoochie at all!

My Motto:


So live by it
I do
Works for me
HAHAH at my font change..... :D

Guys, it has nothing to do with poop, so PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT POOP!
Yet another quote that neednt be explained.
Its simply here for the glory that it actually passed someones lips

Goodnight folks.
Forever true, GUNZ

Monday, November 16, 2009

Life wasnt meant to have a rewind button, but sometimes it would be helpfull

Hello to all!
First and foremost, my name is Meagan, but Im formally known as maeGUN- or Gunz.
I created this blog as an outlet for my emotions, thoughts, and opinions. None of which I planned on being private. This will be the holster for my rants and raves about everyday normal people life. The life of a high school student in a small town. Wewt. Sound exciting?

I garuntee much more than it sounds to be.

Onto the joy of my day:

I had to wake up at 5:30 AM. My interneship at a local News Station started today and I had to be there at 6:45 sharp. That led for a long day in itself. I rushed to get ready, got all dolled up, and then last minute checked the window for the weather.
Hey, guess what, its raining.
So I have to run outside in the rain (all that hairspray gone to waste) and drive 15 minutes into town to channel 21's station. The first day on the job was all that I expected it to be. Fun, entertaining, slightly awkward but hey- cant ask for everything to be peachy can we?

School was slow, imagine that. Dance practice took FOREVER but the team is really shaping up and our routines look stunning! I cant wait to perform them. SO IF YOUR A LOCAL TO SOUTHEAST MISSOURI, be sure to give me a hit up and Ill give you the schedule so you can check us out!

Rant of the day: Idiot freshmeat--oops im sorry freshmen- that go up the wrong side of the stairs.
-It really peeves me off when Im lugging all my stuff up the already crowded stairs and Im constantly getting bumped into by rude and stupid under classmen. LIKE OMGOSH REALLY? There is a extra huge staircase for a reason ya idiots! If you are going down, stay to the right. If you are going up, hang a left. So after being bumped into for the final time today, I mightve freaked out...With a little exclimation like this
"I SWEAR TO GOD if all you stupid underclassmen DO NOT stop pushing and shoving like kindergardners and LET ME THROUGH I will freaking show you a reason to be intimidated by SENIORS!"
Friendly, ok so maybe not.
Effective? Very much so
How do I know this??
I was walking towards the stairs after lunch and this one kid grabs her friend by the arm and says "Get out of her way! Are you crazy?"
I now have an image of authority.....Its not really how I planned on it but hey it works for me!

Quote of the day: "Thank you. Thank you very much for getting your STD's all over my bannana"
I dont feel the need to go into detailed explinations.
It was ridiculeslly funny.
I mean come on, read that and tell me you didnt laugh.

Im watching two and a half men with my mum and lil bro.
Anyone ever noticed how sexual this show is?
Boobs. boobs boobs. sex. oh more boob talk.
theres enough boob talk to make up for my lack-there-of
not that you guys needed to do that

Im in a desperate search of Twinkies right now
Random, I know

Well I figure I will sign out now.
Enjoi lyfe
Enjoi love
Enjoi intimidating underclassmen