Sunday, November 22, 2009

this is kinda the diary of a teenage girls subconcious thoughts..and not the pervy kind

Yeah yeah,
So i skipped a day.
Get over it :D

Nothing interesting happens in Arkansas anyway and my muse to blog was just dead! Not that any of you were complaining. I still doubt anyone reads this.
Which is fine by me. This actually just a place for me to get everything out in the open. An by everything I mean just the stuff I feel like talking about at the time.

Im a very twisted individual.
I love it.

Anywho...we came back home today. Yayyy Missouri *insert sarcism here please*
Have I ever mentioned how much I dislike this state?
If not, let the records show that I DISLIKE MISSOURI.
Funny how its pronounced so close to Misery, aint it? Heh. Heh. Heh.

I got school tommorow.
And my early morning internship.
And dance practice.
Ohjoi. (Oh joy for you not so smart readers)

Im actually really hyped about dance. Speaking of which I REALLY need to get on burning CD's from that flash drive from coach (etches mental note into mind) because on Thursday around Midnight I leave from STL to head towards Atlanta, Georgia for 4-H National Congress!
Yessireee I am a proud 4-Her.
The only negative about this trip is bein away from mah mannnn who apparently missed me durin the three days I was gone to Arkansas :D
I found this out when I went to his house tonight.
Get yer mind outta the gutter, he told me he missed me.

Bunch of pervs XD

Life Lesson for Sunday Afternoons
You probably shouldnt save all 4oobillion math assignments you have to make up that are due the following monday, till the sunday before. I figured that out the hard way.
Ohh Algebra II
How you give me heartache.
(yes I am mathmatically dumb and as a senior am taking a predominately freshman/sophomore class...mouth)

Hillariousness at its golden-est
I think your dog is Jesus :D
Mah BF's dog is either
A> Severly insecure (or jealous...awkward)
B> Possesed by Jesus...whom would hate to see us share anything more than a 5 foot radius of one another LOL

I think Im gonna go with B
It just seems logical!

I must sleep and hope my alarm doesnt forget to go off!!
<3 Gunz
Forever True

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