Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Its not a good thing when you scan down your hallway and wonder, "We are supposed to be seniors?"

Good evening folks, well if any of you read this that is.
If you do, thanks for the dedication
and if you dont....well I could say anything I want about you on here because you wont read it :D

Quick run-thru of my day

I ran the camera at YHC today and guess what! I didnt blow anything up, knock down any thousand dollar equipment, or air us on the wrong channel! What do you know, Bubbles can work after all! However as much as camera work was fun, I quite enjoy being in front of the camera more. Call me a media whore, I dont care. Its true!

Its rather late tonight....I shouldve been in bed by nine in order to actually operate tommorow but hey, Im so dedicated to my blog that no one probably reads that I knew I needed to stay up and post. But I got side tracked.

It rained all friggen day. I dont know about you but I hate drizzly days. They make me sleepy and slightly cranky. I decided that on days that I am cranky my alter ego must step out. And well...she needed a name. So I properly named her Zyva the Diva (The Y makes her unique :D)
We spent all of study hall developing a personality for my imaginary alter ego which quite frankly was the highlight of my day. Apparently Zyva has been to juvie twice and is quite the go-getter-gal if you get my drift hahah. FAR FROM WHO I AM. I decided after my best friend Brittney snapped on me with her rainy-day-cranky-osity that she too had a alter ego. Hers was Zyva's evil twin sister Zynascia. (Zin-ah-shuh). Of course Britt had to top my story so Zynascian hasnt been to juvie
She has just been to Quantanamo Bay.
Thanks B.
And get your elbows off the table.
Its rude.

Dance was non-existant today. It was media day and we had to dress up in our new sparkle vest uniforms and have the pic taken for the pamphlety things they give out at the game. Fun.

I then went to my boyfriends house were we continued the WWII showing on the History channel. Of course however I fell asleep on him before the really good part. I dont regret it though, he made an awfully good cuddly and sweet smelling pillow :D

My dbag of an ex thought it was a good idea to talk to me on msn. I thought i deleted him from everything...apparently not.
Not to worry though

He is now :D

If you are a senior you should probably NOT act like a bunch of idiots in the halls, k? So next time one of you 'super cool' jock types bumps into me after party boying some skeez of a freshie I promise I will show your face exactly what a elephants foot would feel like if it kicked you
Only with my fist.
Ive had about enough of the dumb guys at my school starting high school sororities and elite clique like clubs. GET OVER YOURSELF YOU EGOTISTICAL MORONS.
We dont think your cool for acting like that. In fact we all look at you like your an idiot.
Because you kinda are.

Hillarious Quote from today
Sorry if this offends anyone of the Jewish denomination, it was not meant as derogitory (cant spell today, yay). It was simply Zyva coming out in me.
"You good for nothing Arabian JEW!"
Zyva doesnt like her twin Zynascia...especially when Zynnie calls me a cocktease....
which Zyva is...not so much me.
I dont think

Well world. Off to bed I go.
Good night
Get some sleep

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