Thursday, November 19, 2009

ive noticed that i only sing along to the songs i hate the most

It was one of those days.
You know the kind, your mad at the world and everything/everyone ticks you off.
Yeah. That was today.

I presented a special report on the Dance Team today on YHC news. That was fun. Actually, lie. None of my day was particularily fun. But still, the internship is going to reflect well on my future career so I suck it up and smile.
Even if I have to smile at 6:30 in the morning.

People just ticked me off today. Now I know most of you wouldnt believe this from my chaotic ranting in the previous postings but I am actually a genuinly sweet natured person. Im spontaneous and very go with the flow. I usually let things roll off my shoulders, no sweat.
Not today.
I yelled at some girl in the hall way for getting off the hook discipline wise.

Well..maybe I should elaborate.
So that shall consist of my rant of the day:
Just because you are a foster kid, doesnt mean you should expect or recieve special treatment. We all have struggles at home. Get over yourself.

Today in Study Hall I had to use the restroom for Ladies Purpouses. Let it be on the record that I am NEVER late to class and have had very few problems with the Study Hall Attendees. So I politely go up and whisper to the lady that I need to use the restroom for such purposes.
You know what she tells me?
Its gonna cost you a tardy, and if your not back within 5min Ill give you two.
At my school three tardies in one class=detention.
What upset me even more is the foster girl in my class is ALWAYS late, ALWAYS disrupting class, and ALWAYS getting threatened to be given a tardy. However does the lady pick on her? NO! The girl got a detention, cried, and they took it back from her. Everyday they say "NAMELESS do not be late or I will give you a tardy". Guess whos late
Guess who is tardyless
Guess who got a tardy for having to fix and issue that nature sent apon me.
Yes...I felt the need to share that :D
So yeah. I was needless to say upset.
And said girl feels the need to listen in to all my conversations and insert her stupid input and comments in as well.

Today was a Zyva day.
Meagan didnt even wake up this morning lol.

However my loyal car The Batmobile is finally getting fixed.
My sunroof motor died and it got stuck open on perhaps one of the rainest months of the year.
My luck is grand.

It was also one of those days that was so bad I wanted to work it off. Some people run. Others lift weights. Some play ball. Some bike.
I dance my anger away.
Practice was so tough but I was so into it I couldve danced forever.
My emotions were just let loose into the music and I was in heavan.
I left practice feeling alot better.

omgosh you just converted three christians to scientology, LEVEL UP!
I feel an actual explination is needed for this one.
My dance team girls and I were joking about how scientology reminded me of an awful video game with the alien God overlord and their cult like money suckingness (such as the popular game WOW)
Someone asked how this game would work. How would one level up.
Which is how the quote of the day came about.
We streched the joke on as about as far as it could go.

Well kids
I gotta get some sleep.
My body hates me tonight.
Sleep well America
Stay Gold Ponyboy, Stay Gold

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