Monday, November 16, 2009

Life wasnt meant to have a rewind button, but sometimes it would be helpfull

Hello to all!
First and foremost, my name is Meagan, but Im formally known as maeGUN- or Gunz.
I created this blog as an outlet for my emotions, thoughts, and opinions. None of which I planned on being private. This will be the holster for my rants and raves about everyday normal people life. The life of a high school student in a small town. Wewt. Sound exciting?

I garuntee much more than it sounds to be.

Onto the joy of my day:

I had to wake up at 5:30 AM. My interneship at a local News Station started today and I had to be there at 6:45 sharp. That led for a long day in itself. I rushed to get ready, got all dolled up, and then last minute checked the window for the weather.
Hey, guess what, its raining.
So I have to run outside in the rain (all that hairspray gone to waste) and drive 15 minutes into town to channel 21's station. The first day on the job was all that I expected it to be. Fun, entertaining, slightly awkward but hey- cant ask for everything to be peachy can we?

School was slow, imagine that. Dance practice took FOREVER but the team is really shaping up and our routines look stunning! I cant wait to perform them. SO IF YOUR A LOCAL TO SOUTHEAST MISSOURI, be sure to give me a hit up and Ill give you the schedule so you can check us out!

Rant of the day: Idiot freshmeat--oops im sorry freshmen- that go up the wrong side of the stairs.
-It really peeves me off when Im lugging all my stuff up the already crowded stairs and Im constantly getting bumped into by rude and stupid under classmen. LIKE OMGOSH REALLY? There is a extra huge staircase for a reason ya idiots! If you are going down, stay to the right. If you are going up, hang a left. So after being bumped into for the final time today, I mightve freaked out...With a little exclimation like this
"I SWEAR TO GOD if all you stupid underclassmen DO NOT stop pushing and shoving like kindergardners and LET ME THROUGH I will freaking show you a reason to be intimidated by SENIORS!"
Friendly, ok so maybe not.
Effective? Very much so
How do I know this??
I was walking towards the stairs after lunch and this one kid grabs her friend by the arm and says "Get out of her way! Are you crazy?"
I now have an image of authority.....Its not really how I planned on it but hey it works for me!

Quote of the day: "Thank you. Thank you very much for getting your STD's all over my bannana"
I dont feel the need to go into detailed explinations.
It was ridiculeslly funny.
I mean come on, read that and tell me you didnt laugh.

Im watching two and a half men with my mum and lil bro.
Anyone ever noticed how sexual this show is?
Boobs. boobs boobs. sex. oh more boob talk.
theres enough boob talk to make up for my lack-there-of
not that you guys needed to do that

Im in a desperate search of Twinkies right now
Random, I know

Well I figure I will sign out now.
Enjoi lyfe
Enjoi love
Enjoi intimidating underclassmen

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