Thursday, November 26, 2009

what is one ADD girl plus one 12 hr bus ride? DISASTER!

Aloha my faithful imaginary readers!

Sorry for the lack of post last night, not that you cared. It was my day off of school for Thanksgiving break and I was one busy kid. Packing, Working, Lunching with Pat, Driving, Asserting Myself at Walmart, Packing More, Spending My Time with Pat Before I leave Today.


I had lots of house work to do. You see we OCD diagnosed kids dont like clutter. or mess. or just pure nasty. So I worked and got the house spotless.


my stomach just like guessing I should eat breakfast.

Anywho Pat and I went out to lunch with his friend Kelly and his girlfriend Lydia. We ate Mexican, again. Lol I swear just the two of us keep that place in business. Then we grabbeda milkshake and drove around just chatting. It was really nice.

I came back, worked a bit more, then began packing for my trip to 4H National Congress. I leave my hometown around 8 I think, I have to be in ST LOUIS by 12 tonight to meet the Greyhound Bus I will be riding on. We are Atlanta bound! I wont be back untill Midnight next Tuesday and I may not have internet. So dont be depressed if I have no postings lately.

Not that you would be.

For some reason my brother and I are watching some Barbie movie.


Oh I went back to Pats last night :D

No details needed.

Im gonna miss him the 5 days Ill be gone....

Hey hey its lesson time

If you have had problems with a cashier at Walmart once, you will have problems with them again. I live like 15 min out of town, ok. So I drove to walmart to get a couple of things for my trip, including a new itunes card to update my songs. However when I drove ALL the way home and tried to redeem my card guess what.
Previously she had messed up my LAST CHECK and I had no cash to pay for my stuff.
I had been screwed.
I knew better when I saw her at the register then allow her to check my stuff out but nooo I was too lazy to get outta line.
So guess who had to drive all the way back to town to return the card.
The people at the service desk said there was No Way the card couldnt have been activated, however when they too ran it thru the scanner they noticed it hadnt been :D

Kids Say the Darndest Things!
Guess where we were when my 11 year old brother yelled this statement?
A public restroom in a cramped gas station.
Gotta love little attitudes!

Im out.
Possibly for 5 days.
Enjoy my abscence and dont die. K? K!
Forever TRUE

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