Tuesday, November 24, 2009

i promise you hun, these needles are one size fits all

I conquered one of my biggest fears today.
If any of you non existant readers I have, have ever taken Psychology then you know of the term Flooding.
For those that havent, flooding is when you take someone with a illogical fear and bombard them with that substance or things relevant to it.
So when I agreed to work the schools blood drive I didnt realize I would become the test subject for flooding. I was supposed to work front desk but wound up being a comforter, having to hold the hands of those being stabbed with the rather large pen-size needles.

It was eww. I almost fainted. It was all warm and squishy.
Ugh I refuse to think about it ever ago.

So yeah got to skip school to help kids save lives.
Did you know that with every blood donation you make of a full bag you save three lives? Amazing isnt it? I wish I couldve given myself, even with my fear of blood. Unfortunately I was under the weight requirments for those of my height.

Dance was only for an hour.
One hour of pure and sheer hard work that I loved every minute of.
Afterwards Pat and I went out to eat. It was nice. Just being with him is nice.
Off of the mushy gushy stuff though!

I leave for Atlanta midnight of Thanksgiving day. WOOT WOOT
Im excited but Ill admit Im kinda nervous....and Im going to miss Patrick a ton. But its going to be an amazing experiance.
While Im on that trip I may be too busy to update daily, or allow my posts to be so long but Im going to try my hardest to do so.
Not for my non loyal readers but this bloggin crap really helps de-stress and break down my day. I look forward to the daily recap every night. It reminds me of the simple details.

Like tonight for instance.
As I was walking from Pats truck up to my door the trains in the distance sounded louder than ever. It wasnt a nuiscance though. The sound was mesmerizing. I was captivated.
I can hear it now, from my room.
Have you ever noticed how a trains whistle/horn starts high and seems to fade off?
I hadnt..untill now.

Every day we have small life lessons
My lesson for today is more valuable than the past ones. Its to live every moment to your fullest and any chance you get to help those in need.
I signed the back of my liscense today to be an organ donor.
My real daddy was an organ donor. All of his organs were destroyed in his car accident though, except for his eyes. And all we know is some guy in Florida has them.
My daddy helped a man see.
Its amazing. I want to give blood and to share the gift of life with others.
Im sure this isnt as amusing as most my life lessons but every now and then we have to be serious. Life is short. Why take for granted what we have? Why not share something that is plentifull?

and Every day hillarious things are said.
So whats the opposite of having sex? Eating dinner with your grandma?
Its even more funny when you type it!
Explination? I believe so.
Victorias secret makes this 'sensual lotion' that is supposed to heighten the hormones and senses.
We high schoolers call it sex in a bottle.
It does smell good :D
Anywho the only person it doesnt seem to work on is my dear friend Cody. He said it made him feel the exact opposite of sexual.
And thats when Andrew quoted that little doozy up at the top/

I beleive thats it for the night.
Hey guess what no school tommorow!
Hey guess what. I still gotta be at my internship at 6:45 to sit there untill 7:30
And then what?

Forever true,

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