Friday, November 20, 2009

im the girl who plays all my ringtones on my phone and sings along

Hola to all.
For the idiots of the world hola is spanish for hello.
Today is Friday.
I hate the freakin week.

Im spending the weekend with my family in Arkansas. Which means my blog wont be as eventful. The funniest things happen at school which is my own personal form of Hades. Im curently listening to my brother and cousin arguing over which Greek God is what.
Yeah...we are all very intellectual.
Its kinda funny to get my family together. You see we all have high intelligence levels in different feilds.

The boys are really mathmatical and science oriented. Surprise there.
Most the girls are very factual about History, myself bein one of them.
I however dominate the english part.
My word choices arent always the best though.

Today my alarm didnt go off. I have to be at my internship at 6:45 every morning so I normally wake up at 5:30.
My alarm didnt go off.
I woke up at 6:10
I have never got ready so fast in my life
and I didnt even look trashy!

School was long. yet again Zyva the diva dominated my day
I think she rules my body now.
Oh well.
I kinda like it.

You can actually blow up from gas buildup. Like seriously, your insides can explode. How wicked.
This all came about when I explained I had a weird pain in my lower abdomen.
I was teased that it was
A: a baby (not possible folks)
B: gas

I know i didnt have to fart lol.
But we researched it anyway and whales have blown up due to gas buildup before. SO CAN HUMANS.
I had a minor freakout. But the pain went away and no I didnt blow up
Thank god

Quotes? Quotes!:
What crawled up your butt and died?
Apparently even though I wasnt experiancing gas lil brother was.
And for the whole 3 hour car ride to Arkansas he released said buildup.
No wonder our dog got so car sick lol

All right folks.
Nothin more to report.
Ill post tommorow.
Who knows maybe it will be more eventful.

Forever True, maeGUN

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