Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Theres always one person who trips and falls everyday, yeah...thats me

Hello America.
Welcome to another random edition of She Shot the Bullet.

Today I would like to talk to you about the importance of not becoming known across your school as the clutz. Because any time you get out of your chair or stand up to walk, people will gasp and stare and await your every so gracefull fall to the floor. Trust me, not exactly the type of fame I was going for.

Oh and be sure you can pronounce names right before you are broadcasted across Southeast Missouri on cable television. Apparently we reach 38 cities. All 38 of those cities watched my awfull name faux pas this morning in which my co-host publically teased me for. I merely brushed it off (when you are me you learn NOT to get embarasssed easily) but still...not exactly how I planned my day to go down.

So you can tell that from the start I knew this would be a whopper of a day.

School was lame. I managed to barely pass two psychology quizzes because rainy days put me in a somber mood and somber moods make my intelligence depleat.
Please, no blonde jokes inserted here.

Dance practice was AMAZING. Really. I do reccomend you watch us if you are in our area. And hey if you get cable channel 21, YHC, in SE Missouri, you can watch us broadcasted. All of our streams are also on YHCTV.com
Give us a looksie
My bloopers prolly on there by now.

So when I went to the boyfriends house tonight we watched WWII on the History Channel in HD. It was actually really interesting. Except for all the dead body pics and bloody gore-ness
side note: blood makes me pass out
you can imagine how that was for me

Dont freaking be an idiot and wear short shorts when its 50 degrees outside and raining!
I dont know if my school is full of idiots or skeezes, but on that note there were at least fourty of them donning a hoodie, short soffee shorts and either flipflops (idiots) or even worse...rain boots with the short shorts.
Do you not look in a mirror before you leave?
Im no man but I believe i speak for all the male population when I say that it is NOT attractive to be a hoochie and risk getting pneumonia (i also cant spell).

Just dont be a hoochie at all!

My Motto:


So live by it
I do
Works for me
HAHAH at my font change..... :D

Guys, it has nothing to do with poop, so PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT POOP!
Yet another quote that neednt be explained.
Its simply here for the glory that it actually passed someones lips

Goodnight folks.
Forever true, GUNZ

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