Thursday, December 30, 2010


Good evening everyone!
I hope you are all enjoying the wrap-up of the year 2010. Let's hope that 2011 brings just as many good memories, or more!

So I have some SUPER exciting news that I could not WAIT to share with you guys. So, lets get this started, shall we?

First off, I FINALLY ordered something that I have been DYING to order for a long time. And it is...

BH Cosmetic's 88 color shimmer eyeshadow pallet!!
I've been fighting my inner shopaholic for almost a month now about whether or not I would buy this. The sensible side of me said, "No you just got an awesome make up kit from Estee Lauder for Christmas, you are set for a while". But, the make-up loving side of me was screaming, "BUY IT ALREADY" so loud that I couldn't hear the sensible side of myself :D

According to my UPS tracker it will be in on the 5th and I am not sure I can wait patiently until then. It will be worth it though. The colors in this pallet are so rich and pigmented. It even has red! DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD RED EYESHADOW IS TO COME BY??? Ahhhh I am in love!

You can expect a review over it THE DAY AFTER it gets in. Im going to spend all night testing swatches of the colors, haha.

SECOND piece of exciting news for this evening is that according to my stat counter, my blog is now receiving around an average of 100 views each day that I post a new blog! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! It really is exciting to know that people enjoy hearing my ranting and reviews :D I really appreciate you guys tuning in and to reward my readers and viewers of my blog/vlog, I feel a GIVE AWAY COMING ON :D

Stay tuned for more information on that!!

Thirdly, my newest video has received 60+ views on its first day of publishing. That is GREAT! I realize that is a tad long and doesnt really appeal to all audiences but, I am so proud of those 60+ views.

SOOOOO, if you would be interested in competing in a give-away of some sort (I am not sure of the prize or when this event will happen yet), Please comment below or on my youtube channel. With all these daily views I receive, you would think I would get some feedback ;) Plus, invite your friends to read and watch. The more people I see are reading/watching, the bigger the prize will be!!!


Meagan AKA Gunz

Youtube channel:

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

And the after Christmas mayhem begins!

Hi everyone!
It seems I have survived the black plague of a virus that I had contracted. I am still feeling pretty weak but, I am alive and no longer purging every hour so thats a plus! The negative? Patrick contracted it, oops :D

Today I wanted to do a quick review over this AMAZING product!

Estee Lauder's Gentle Eye Makeup Remover!!!

This product came in my AMAZING Estee Lauder Glamour is Golden gift set I received for Christmas this year. At first I wasnt even going to use it because I have had TERRIBLE luck with eye make up removers. Let me first tell you my list of fears with this product.

1. With previous products, my eye lashes would become thin because they were falling out thanks to the chemicals.
2. My eyes would become red and irritated without even getting the product in my eyes because of the harsh alcohols.
3. Makeup removers can often lead to break outs or styes on the eyes or eyelids.

But, seeing as my Take It Away make up remover by Estee Lauder doesn't remove eye make up that well (it is more target to facial foundations, primers, bright eye colors, and blushes), I decided to give it a shot.

So far, I have had NO problems with this product and its reviews are nothing more than raves! This product manages to remove every hint of mascara from my lashes and shadow from my lids without an irritation! I will keep you all updated as to whether or not any long-term effects kick in but, so far I LOVE this product.

That is all for tonight!
Check out my youtube channel for a make up tutorial that I will be uploading tonight!!!!


Monday, December 27, 2010

Santa Baby :D And vomit.

I hope each and every one of you had a very Merry Christmas! I know I did! Patrick and I almost got snowed into my apartment but we made it home safely. We wound up having a white Christmas which was great and even better, the weather man says it should be a high of 60 on new years. THANK HOLY MOSES!!!

I have a few products I can review eventually but, I am wanting to enjoy my holidays so if I take a break from the blogging, do not fear!!!

I got a lot of amazing things for Christmas but, it was great to just spend time with my family and with Patrick and his family. I consider myself extremely lucky to have as supportive and caring of a boyfriend as I do and that his family has always welcomed me into their home.

Well I am sure you are wondering what the second part of my title is about. It seems that in all the Christmas excitement I picked up a stomach virus or possibly the flu. Patrick brought me back to my apartment last night and after the two of us downed a extra large pepperoni pizza from Imo's, I noticed I was feeling quite ill. I spent my entire evening rushing back and forth to the bathroom to purge. It was GROSS. Pat made me toast this morning and took very good care of me but, I HATE being sick. I even had to call into work today which was sad because I really enjoy work.

Now I am going to go take a nap and attempt to eat some cheerios. Wish me luck in my illness adventures!!!

Meagan AKA Gunz

Monday, December 20, 2010

When Christmas gets closer, people get CRAZIER!

Hey everyone!
Hope you had a beautiful weekend. Mine was spent in the state of Arkansas. But now, I am back in my apartment waiting on my laundry to get done and dreading my 5:45 am wake up call for work tomorrow. Why would malls even need to open at 7am? Because people are last minute Christmas shopping and its crazy, thats why.

I wanted to start off today's review with a slight warning to all my viewers. I got a response on one of my youtube videos about a girl using the Matrix So Silver twice and her hair now is grayish with a slight blue tint. I have never had this issue but, have heard similar problems with other products. Never have I heard it with the So Silver though. My recommendation to my followers is to test the product out on a piece of your hair by the nape of your neck first, before fully treating your hair with the product to see how your hair reacts.

Today's review is going to be quick and to the point due to my
A) Lack of time since I have to check on my laundry every 10minutes
B) urge to nap.

Today's product is
Estee Lauder's Glamor is Golden set

This set is 55$ with any Estee Lauder fragrance purchase at Macy's or Dillards. I requested this for Christmas and after much begging, my mother finally cracked that she had indeed purchased this set for me.

The amazing thing about this gift set is the value of it. I did the math myself to see if their estimated value of 340$ was correct and after much searching and addition I came out with a value of 280$ WITHOUT the two bags and traveling mirror. With those 3 additional products this set is well worth the 340$ and the fact that you can get it for 55$ makes it even more amazing.

A full sized fragrance is anywhere from 55-69$ and their scents are absolutely to die for. I would recommend Sensuous myself but, give them all a try!

In this set you get 18 eye shadows, 3 blushes, a bronzer, a gentle eye make up remover, 4 professional grade brushes, 4 lip sticks, a lip gloss, 3 eye liners, a giant carrying case, traveling make up case, and traveling self standing mirror- all encased in the beautiful gold packaging. Its beautiful, luxurious, and you get the great quality of make up that Estee Lauder has always provided.

Im sure stocks of this are getting low so if it is something you are interested in buying or asking for, you may want to get on it! This is a one time offer and it is WELL WORTH IT. The only negative I can think of is that it doesnt have an mascara but, they offer a 24$ combo pack of lash primer and mascara that I am purchasing myself.

There you have it, my gift recommendation for any girl this Christmas.

Meagan AKA Gunz

Friday, December 17, 2010

Because Blondes Have More Fun!!!

Hey everyone!!!
Today is a beautiful Friday here in Cape. The weather isn't too cold but, still a bit chilly. I like this kind of weather because I can wear an adorable scarf paired with a warm sweater, long trench coat, and a mug of hot cocoa :D

Last night Patrick came and stayed the night. It was wonderful and hilarious. We made gingerbread cookies (my favorite) and ate Imo's pizza! So fun, plus, he LOVED my new apartment. It is really starting to feel like home!

Well onto today's product recommendation,and today it is slightly biased toward my favorite group of people- the blondes of America.

Fake blonde, natural blonde, platinum blonde, or dirty blonde, every blonde aspires to have healthy, shiny, vibrant hair. Unfortunately, no matter whether you've never had roots in your entire life or your hair is color treated every three weeks, there is one thing almost ALL blondes have in common. Yellow tinting.

Dye and bleach will fade dark and yellow out while natural blondes almost ALWAYS darken in hair color over time. While color treating your hair occasionally can be good for your hair, constant coloring or the harsh chemicals in bleach will eventually wear your hair down.

That is when I found THIS amazing product,

So Silver by Matrix.

So Silver is a lavender based shampoo that can be used as a daily wash or a weekly masque. Personally I use it every three days. I use it before my daily shampoo and leave it on for about 5 minutes, usually I wash my body or shave my legs while I let it sit. What this product does is lighten your hair without the use of the harsh chemicals in bleach or dye and remove yellow hues.

This is my secret to keeping my hair healthy, shiny, and bright white, without using bleach constantly and frying my hair. Combined with a good shampoo and conditioner, this product will restore health to your hair and allow your color to stay vibrant and blonde.

For any blonde looking for a product that will allow them to save money on trips to the salon and save their hair, then this is something you should try. It's got the products of a salon toner at a decent price. For just 15$ a bottle you can maintain the color of your hair in between trips to the salon. Another amazing thing about this product is, its lifespan. You dont have to use a whole lot with each dose. Like I said, I use this product every three days, and I have had the same bottle for nearly a YEAR now and have seen dramatic results in the color of my hair.

Check it out, ask your stylist to use it on you one day after you get your hair colored, ask for a sample at your beauty supply store. This product is worth your time!

Let me know what you think of this product!!!!

Meagan AKA Gunz

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Moving day=A journey of it's own!

Sorry for the two day delay. My work schedule has been CRAZY and in my spare time I have been busy packing, packing, and oh did I mention packing? Moving day finally arrived and here I am in my new apartment watching the disgusting weather through my window.

I never want to move again.

It is stressful and hard work but, it was worth it. I couldnt be any happier than I am now.
Except, I am not very happy with Charter Media. They didnt install my cable right or the guy just sucks at explaining how to make it work.
A or B I am still not happy.

I am watching Ellen though, which excites me!!!

Anyways I really dont have a product review today or anything special planned. I just wanted to brag about my new life. I just wish my boyfriend was here with me.
The roads are getting slathered in ice here and its getting colder and colder by the minute. Brrrr I dislike winter.

Anyway once I get settled in and find a good product to tell you guys about, I will!
Until then, stay warm and stay off the roads!!


Monday, December 13, 2010

I'm a work-a-holic and a bra-a-holic.

Welcome to another very late night edition of my blog!
My work schedule has been OUTRAGEOUS lately. I barely have any time to eat or blog for that matter! But, here I am, informing the world of my life and ways to make your life just a little bit better.

Today, I am bringing my work home and to you!
Welcome to the life of a Victoria's Secret Angel :D
Ok, so I am not an angel as in the model but, I am a store angel. I can only dream that one day I would grace the runway as an Angel and wear those beautiful wings but, being 5'3 and an A cup probably won't get me there.
A girl can dream, right?

Anyway at work I always get asked the SAME questions and I decided that maybe I could help my faithful blogging community out by answering them on here!
Sorry to my gentlemen readers, as usual, this post probably isnt the best for you.
I feel another video game review in the near future ;)

Now, onto the task at hand.

As the Brand Ambassador at my local chapter, it is my job to greet the customer's and help them find their perfect fit. I ask a series of questions.
A) Have you been properly fitted?
--Our bra specialist on had will always be glad to perform a free and comfortable fitting in the comfort and privacy of the dressing rooms.
B) Are you looking for push up today?
--While push up bra's are great, sometimes they are not always comfortable for everyday life. Keep in mind that most push up bras sport a thick underwire that may be more noticeable than the Demi cup bra's.
C) Would you like full coverage today?
--Full coverage will cover the entire breast. Most full coverage customers are larger chested and in need of more support or are older and do not care for the lower, deeper, cuts of the demi and push up bras.
D) What is your price range?
--Unfortunately, at our store, prices tend to be high due to the quality of our merchandise. We try our hardest to find your perfect match within your budget but, it's good to come into the store with an open mind.

Once we have answered those, I can help you find the right bra for your lifestyle.
However, not all ladies want to converse with the store associate or have the time too.
This is why I am creating this blog. It is a quick go-to guide of my 3 favorite bra's in our store.

1. The Biofit

My FAVORITE BRA of all time, the Biofit comes in 3 different styles: The Demi, The Push-Up, and the Multiway (Converts to 7 different styles). I wear the Demi seeing as I am small chested and think that a lot of padding just looks too fake on me. This bra sports just the right amount of comfortable lining and smooth material to make the fit feel like it is part of your body. This bra was recommended to me before I began working at the store and it has been my best friend ever since!

2. The Incredible

This bra is slowly getting higher and higher on my list, enough so that I plan to purchase one of my own VERY soon. First of all it provides AMAZING comfort by having padding around the underwire. You really have to push hard to feel it which makes wearing this bra all day an amazing experience. It comes in Demi, Push Up, and a Front Clasp Demi. An awesome key feature of this bra is it's self adjusting straps. No more toggles you have to adjust to get the perfect fit for you, it does it itself. It has elastic arm bands that you would think would stretch out over time but, amazing, they dont. It's thin silky material makes this bra easy to wear under anything.

3. Dream Angel's

We got the most AMAZING prints in of this bra, and if that wouldnt have happened, I wouldve never looked its way. Not that this bra looks like it should be underestimated, I was just so dedicated to my love of the Biofit that I am often blinded to other bra's. However, this blue floral came in and I just HAD TO TRY IT ON. It was amazing. I may even have to make this bra number one....It comes in Demi and Push Up, as well as a Convertible version. The push up has micro fiber padding, like that of a foam mattress. It adjusts to your body and OMG, ultimate comfort. Not only that but the variety of styles and colors amazes me. I may go bra shopping soon...

Well there you go ladies. My top 3 picks for this season. You may notice I left off the Miraculous or our "Bombshell" bra. Personally, 2 cup sizes full of padding is too much for me but, please come in and try one on if your interested! It may be perfect for you!

I will blog later, I need sleep.
Forver true,

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Shiny, Sexy, Silky hair made easy and AFFORDABLE!!!

Hi there everyone!
Welcome to another rainy day in Missouri. I actually got to relax this morning which was GREAT. My kittens are still doing ok, but I dont want to check on them too much so the momma doesnt take them off. So, I'm crossing my fingers that they are ok.

Today I was taking my shower when I realized how lucky I am for discovering one of the beauty worlds cheapest and most amazing secrets.


With my addiction to bleach, color, heat stylers, and product, my hair used to be less than healthy. However, after a month of using this semi-new product, my hair was in the best condition it has ever been. I promise, if you saw this product without the reviews I am about to give it, you would probably not even give it a second glance.

Today, I am introducing to you the magical wonders of Suave Professionals shampoo and conditioners.

This stuff is literally 3$ a bottle and you can't get anything better in a salon. I have used so many expensive 50$ a bottle salon brand shampoos and none of them have given me these results. I can feel how silky my hair is once I rinse the conditioner out in the shower. Even my wet hair feels super soft. After blow drying my hair just falls voluminously by my cheekbones with such shine that it looks like I've never damaged a single hair on my head in my life.

Basically, all you can do is try and at 3$ a bottle why wouldnt you just try this out and see for yourself what it can do. I doubt you'll be disappointed. Besides, with all the money I am saving on hair care, I can buy myself a new bag :D

Love, Gunz

Friday, December 10, 2010

Undead nightmare, WoW, and Bluberry Donuts :D

Well folks, sorry my post is so late tonight.
I know I promised the start of my holiday videos on youtube tonight but, it just didnt work out. Hopefully I will be able to start the first one tomorrow. I have great plans for it though, so dont fear!

As of now I am sitting in the most comfortable chair at my boyfriends house watching him play his newest purchase, UnDead Nightmare.

For all of you techie nerds out there it is the expansion pack for the game Red Dead Redemption. As a fellow Red Dead fanatic, I was equally excited to see him purchase the new expansion so I could see myself just how this works. This expansion was voted the best downloadable content on Xbox ever.

The former "parent game" was a cowboy based game where you played the role of John Marshton, once an outlaw now striving to kill his enemy and return home safely to his wife Abigail and son Jack. I LOVED the game and would play it for hours straight. When I heard of the expansion pack release, however, I was worried.

I'm not much into zombie games and I always feel like if you have something really good you should never make a sequel (EX: Legally Blonde Two and the second Lion King.) Sequels are always horrible in my opinion, unless they are literature based such as the Harry Potter series. And game sequels are always really hard to live up to its parent.

The child of Red Dead seems to be fathered by Left for Dead with its animated gore and realistic scenery. As unfavorable as zombie based games are too me, a prissy girl who enjoys WoW for the fact that I play a hunter and can catch "pretty" pets, this game is KICK ASS. Its graphics are not only top notch (only the creators of red dead could make the scenery around a zombie game as gorgeous as this, such as the skylines and the way the sun breaks the crowds.) but, it also sports a bit of a mythical vibe by allowing you to kill legendary creatures and tame horses that are dead or burn with fire.

However, if you are not too keen on gore and animated blood this game isnt for you. It's quite bloody. Since blood makes me queasy I turn my head at times. Another favorite of mine about this game is its script. The script is HILARIOUS!

Well, now I am done raving about video games. I enjoyed two delicious blueberry donuts for my dinner tonight, no I am not very health conscious. Oh! And my cat, Luna, had 6 kittens. Two calico and 4 dark gray or black. I will be needing to find homes for them once they are weaned so if you are wanting a cat, I am your girl.

Keep an eye on my videos tomorrow for the first of this season's holiday videos!!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Ranting in the A.M.

So, this isnt the official post of the day. I just need to rant.
Here goes nothing.

My least favorite thing about college is living in the dorms, hence the reason when I transfer I am getting an apartment. Not only are dorms the most disgusting and bland things on the planet but, if you have a joint bathroom like mine you will probably get stuck with the most disrespectful person on the planet.

Well, at least, I did.

She has yet to clean the bathroom once since we lived here. Ive cleaned it 7 times already and it has needed to be cleaned more. Why, you might ask? This girl sheds like crazy. Her nasty long brown hairs are all over the bathroom floor and shower walls. Gross. I gag everytime I see them on the wall.

she leaves her thongs laying around in the bathroom floor. Everytime I use a fork to pick them up and hang them on her door knob and EVERYTIME she leaves a me a sticky note apologizing. Listen lady, if you were really sorry you would make sure it doesnt happen a second and third time.

She must be deaf.
Yes, that must be her problem.
You see she feels the need to listen to her TV and radio at the highest volume her speakers can handle. I will wake up in the wee hours of the morning to hear Hannah Montana blaring in the next room.
Dear suitemate,
we are in college.
Then, this morning, I wake up at 3:30 to her voice and 4 separate male voices laughing and talking as loud as they can. It would be one thing if this were any regular week but, this is FINALS WEEK. I have an exam at 8 and this girl is disrespecting my sleep habits.

Never. Disrespect. My. Sleep. Habits.

Seeing as this was my last night here and I get to move home in a few hours for good, Im not going to confront her.
Im just going to leave her a little going away present.


The strict quiet hours sign that was previously in the hallway sure does look good on her door:D


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Early morning woe's and finger foes!


Right now its a whopping 14 degrees here in Murray, Kentucky. I had a final at 8 this morning so the brisk walk across campus felt more like a lengthy adventure across the arctic.
I cant feel my nose.

Luckily I think I may have passed my exam. With a little luck and a lot of studying, I feel pretty good about it. Now I have nothing else to do today other than study, play WoW, make video blogs, and prepare to move out of Kentucky for good, (I get too move tomorrow!).

I have been trekking across campus in this cold weather for a few weeks now and I noticed that no matter how tightly I bundled up, one part of my body was always cold. My hands. I knew I needed to invest in a pair of gloves and yesterday I came across the most ingenious invention ever!

I made the short journey to Wal-Mart and too my surprise I found that they now stock Isotoner gloves, my absolute favorite. I realize that most of the general public probably doesn't have a closet full of gloves but, I advise everyone invest in a pair of these beauties. I had picked up a normal faux leather pair that their brand is so known for, when I found these!!

Let me tell you about the positives of this particular pair:
A) They are hot pink, my favorite color but, they also come in black, gray, and sky blue.
B) They are a knit nylon mix with spandex in the wrist to bring the glove tightly in to prevent the warmth from escaping or the cool air for leaking in.
C) They are touch screen compatible.

That's right folks. These gloves work on Iphones. My biggest problem walking across campus was my hands. As easily as I could stick them in my pocket, if I needed to use my phone they were exposed to the cold again. And any other glove wouldnt be able to functionally operate on a touch screed device but, these babies do. It has something to do with the iron gray thread sewn tightly on the thumb and index finger (at first I wondered if this would make the gloves feel awkward, but no). Also they sport a fancy looking black strip from side of the palm to the middle finger that have a grippy sort of material to prevent your device from sliding through your hands.

Not only are Isotoners stylish, extremely warm, very slick and form fitting to your hands, but now they also work with smart phones.

Yes, I have gone on and on about gloves up until this point.

You can buy these wonderful accessories at Wal-Mart. They are a bit pricey for gloves compared to the 3 dollar fleece onces but, at 12$ a pair you wont find a better glove. It's definitely a purchase you wont regret.

Well that's all for now my darlings! Have a wonderful day and feel free to comment on this post or to watch my video blog for more daily updates!

Gunz, forever true

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The return of the Blonde Ambassador :D

Look my faithful followers! I have returned to the wonderful land of Blogspot.

By faithful followers, I mean the imaginary audience that I believe reads and loves every one of my daily posts. So, back to the postage!!

I'm not going to bother catching you up on every little detail of my life that you have missed due to my laziness and forgetfulness that this blogged still existed.

Instead, let's just hit the highlights shall we?

1. Patrick and I are still together. One year, and one month :D
2. I graduated high school, entered Murray State University for a semester and am now transferring in 2 days to Southeast Missouri State University.
3. I work at Victoria's Secret now.
4. It still takes me over an hour to get ready in the mornings.
5. I still hate the cold weather (it is 24 degrees outside, not attractive).
6. I am majoring in Secondary English Education with a minor in Secondary Theater Education.
7. My room mate here at MSU was crazy.
8. My dearest friend Brittney and I now have an apartment we will be moving into on the 15th.
9. I am more broke than ever due to my newly found obsession with online shopping.
and 10. I am still just as crazy, ADD, OCD, and scatter brained as ever.

Now, onto the said purpose of this blog. While I would like for my blogs to remain entertaining and filled with captivating stories of my oh so wonderful life, I would also like for them to have meaning.

Note that meaning to an 18 year old female college student means, Im going to recommend you to my favorite products :D

Today we will talk about the wonders of Estee Lauder make-up.

Now, as I learned in public speaking, here is where I need to prove to you guys that I am the expert on Estee Lauder make up and that my information is credible.So here goes nothing!

I have been using Estee Lauder make up for over a year now. Since I am broke I only own the foundations but, once I move to Cape where there is a mall where I can obtain more makeup without having to pay shipping, I will STRICTLY only use this brand.

I have tried COUNTLESS other makeup brands: Covergirl (too greasy), Lancome (very thick and pastey), Avon (Avon just feels to cheap to me, it reminds me of how Charlotte Rousse is always trying to look high end but the minute you throw their clothes in the washing machine, they get dingy looking), and Bare Minerals (WAY TO EXPENSIVE but, I liked it. It caused me to have minimal breakouts though.)

The one thing I LOVE about Estee Lauder is its the perfect combination of maximum coverage and minimal thickness. Personally I recommend the Double Wear Stay in Place liquid makeup.

Here is how I describe how perfect it is: It covers all my facial imperfections and gives me a flaw less airbrushed look while still not hiding the fact that I have freckles. (I LOVE MY FRECKLES, and that shows you its not too thick. I hate cake faced people).

Coupled with Estee Lauder's pressed powder as a finishing touch, you have the perfect face. I use Lucidity, in transparent because I am so light skinned. For those of you who love Bare Minerals, Transparent works like the mineral veil.

The liquid makeup runs about 34$ for a 1fluidoz bottle. At first it seems a bit pricey but for the coverage and quality of the makeup its well worth it. I buy a new bottle anywhere from every 2-3 months. For application I dont recommend using your hands because the oils rub off on your skin and can cause breakouts. I use a liquid make up applying brush (Can be found anywhere but, I love Sigma brand).

The Lucidity is 26$ per compact and they have a little longer lifespan than the liquid makeup. It all depends on how much you apply per day. As you can see the compact comes with an application sponge but I use brushes (Im a fan of Sigma brushes) to apply the powder. Honestly, I dont recommend over coating with either of these products. They allow minimal usage for maximum coverage and thats the beauty of it.

Im going to go ahead and post this and hop in the shower. Then Im going to take a before the foundation and after application photo's for you guys to see how well the makeup enhances the face.



Be sure to check out my video blog as well for today's make up application video, just a video on my daily use of make up and my tips and tricks for the flawless and affordable face!!!
Thanks for reading guys!

Love, Gunz