Monday, December 27, 2010

Santa Baby :D And vomit.

I hope each and every one of you had a very Merry Christmas! I know I did! Patrick and I almost got snowed into my apartment but we made it home safely. We wound up having a white Christmas which was great and even better, the weather man says it should be a high of 60 on new years. THANK HOLY MOSES!!!

I have a few products I can review eventually but, I am wanting to enjoy my holidays so if I take a break from the blogging, do not fear!!!

I got a lot of amazing things for Christmas but, it was great to just spend time with my family and with Patrick and his family. I consider myself extremely lucky to have as supportive and caring of a boyfriend as I do and that his family has always welcomed me into their home.

Well I am sure you are wondering what the second part of my title is about. It seems that in all the Christmas excitement I picked up a stomach virus or possibly the flu. Patrick brought me back to my apartment last night and after the two of us downed a extra large pepperoni pizza from Imo's, I noticed I was feeling quite ill. I spent my entire evening rushing back and forth to the bathroom to purge. It was GROSS. Pat made me toast this morning and took very good care of me but, I HATE being sick. I even had to call into work today which was sad because I really enjoy work.

Now I am going to go take a nap and attempt to eat some cheerios. Wish me luck in my illness adventures!!!

Meagan AKA Gunz

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