Thursday, December 9, 2010

Ranting in the A.M.

So, this isnt the official post of the day. I just need to rant.
Here goes nothing.

My least favorite thing about college is living in the dorms, hence the reason when I transfer I am getting an apartment. Not only are dorms the most disgusting and bland things on the planet but, if you have a joint bathroom like mine you will probably get stuck with the most disrespectful person on the planet.

Well, at least, I did.

She has yet to clean the bathroom once since we lived here. Ive cleaned it 7 times already and it has needed to be cleaned more. Why, you might ask? This girl sheds like crazy. Her nasty long brown hairs are all over the bathroom floor and shower walls. Gross. I gag everytime I see them on the wall.

she leaves her thongs laying around in the bathroom floor. Everytime I use a fork to pick them up and hang them on her door knob and EVERYTIME she leaves a me a sticky note apologizing. Listen lady, if you were really sorry you would make sure it doesnt happen a second and third time.

She must be deaf.
Yes, that must be her problem.
You see she feels the need to listen to her TV and radio at the highest volume her speakers can handle. I will wake up in the wee hours of the morning to hear Hannah Montana blaring in the next room.
Dear suitemate,
we are in college.
Then, this morning, I wake up at 3:30 to her voice and 4 separate male voices laughing and talking as loud as they can. It would be one thing if this were any regular week but, this is FINALS WEEK. I have an exam at 8 and this girl is disrespecting my sleep habits.

Never. Disrespect. My. Sleep. Habits.

Seeing as this was my last night here and I get to move home in a few hours for good, Im not going to confront her.
Im just going to leave her a little going away present.


The strict quiet hours sign that was previously in the hallway sure does look good on her door:D


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