Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Moving day=A journey of it's own!

Sorry for the two day delay. My work schedule has been CRAZY and in my spare time I have been busy packing, packing, and oh did I mention packing? Moving day finally arrived and here I am in my new apartment watching the disgusting weather through my window.

I never want to move again.

It is stressful and hard work but, it was worth it. I couldnt be any happier than I am now.
Except, I am not very happy with Charter Media. They didnt install my cable right or the guy just sucks at explaining how to make it work.
A or B I am still not happy.

I am watching Ellen though, which excites me!!!

Anyways I really dont have a product review today or anything special planned. I just wanted to brag about my new life. I just wish my boyfriend was here with me.
The roads are getting slathered in ice here and its getting colder and colder by the minute. Brrrr I dislike winter.

Anyway once I get settled in and find a good product to tell you guys about, I will!
Until then, stay warm and stay off the roads!!


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