Thursday, December 30, 2010


Good evening everyone!
I hope you are all enjoying the wrap-up of the year 2010. Let's hope that 2011 brings just as many good memories, or more!

So I have some SUPER exciting news that I could not WAIT to share with you guys. So, lets get this started, shall we?

First off, I FINALLY ordered something that I have been DYING to order for a long time. And it is...

BH Cosmetic's 88 color shimmer eyeshadow pallet!!
I've been fighting my inner shopaholic for almost a month now about whether or not I would buy this. The sensible side of me said, "No you just got an awesome make up kit from Estee Lauder for Christmas, you are set for a while". But, the make-up loving side of me was screaming, "BUY IT ALREADY" so loud that I couldn't hear the sensible side of myself :D

According to my UPS tracker it will be in on the 5th and I am not sure I can wait patiently until then. It will be worth it though. The colors in this pallet are so rich and pigmented. It even has red! DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD RED EYESHADOW IS TO COME BY??? Ahhhh I am in love!

You can expect a review over it THE DAY AFTER it gets in. Im going to spend all night testing swatches of the colors, haha.

SECOND piece of exciting news for this evening is that according to my stat counter, my blog is now receiving around an average of 100 views each day that I post a new blog! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! It really is exciting to know that people enjoy hearing my ranting and reviews :D I really appreciate you guys tuning in and to reward my readers and viewers of my blog/vlog, I feel a GIVE AWAY COMING ON :D

Stay tuned for more information on that!!

Thirdly, my newest video has received 60+ views on its first day of publishing. That is GREAT! I realize that is a tad long and doesnt really appeal to all audiences but, I am so proud of those 60+ views.

SOOOOO, if you would be interested in competing in a give-away of some sort (I am not sure of the prize or when this event will happen yet), Please comment below or on my youtube channel. With all these daily views I receive, you would think I would get some feedback ;) Plus, invite your friends to read and watch. The more people I see are reading/watching, the bigger the prize will be!!!


Meagan AKA Gunz

Youtube channel:

1 comment:

  1. Ive been watching and reading.. I love watching youtube tutorials everyday. I was excited to see that you had a channel. ive added you to my subscribed gurus. Yay!! You have to let me know how you like the BH 88 Pallet.. I have wanted one for sooo long.. and I always say no I have too much already and never get it. Its such a steal compared to if you got a MAC pallet and filled it. Anyways I look forward to more videos and blogs..
    Your beloved subscriber
    Krystle P :)
