Friday, December 10, 2010

Undead nightmare, WoW, and Bluberry Donuts :D

Well folks, sorry my post is so late tonight.
I know I promised the start of my holiday videos on youtube tonight but, it just didnt work out. Hopefully I will be able to start the first one tomorrow. I have great plans for it though, so dont fear!

As of now I am sitting in the most comfortable chair at my boyfriends house watching him play his newest purchase, UnDead Nightmare.

For all of you techie nerds out there it is the expansion pack for the game Red Dead Redemption. As a fellow Red Dead fanatic, I was equally excited to see him purchase the new expansion so I could see myself just how this works. This expansion was voted the best downloadable content on Xbox ever.

The former "parent game" was a cowboy based game where you played the role of John Marshton, once an outlaw now striving to kill his enemy and return home safely to his wife Abigail and son Jack. I LOVED the game and would play it for hours straight. When I heard of the expansion pack release, however, I was worried.

I'm not much into zombie games and I always feel like if you have something really good you should never make a sequel (EX: Legally Blonde Two and the second Lion King.) Sequels are always horrible in my opinion, unless they are literature based such as the Harry Potter series. And game sequels are always really hard to live up to its parent.

The child of Red Dead seems to be fathered by Left for Dead with its animated gore and realistic scenery. As unfavorable as zombie based games are too me, a prissy girl who enjoys WoW for the fact that I play a hunter and can catch "pretty" pets, this game is KICK ASS. Its graphics are not only top notch (only the creators of red dead could make the scenery around a zombie game as gorgeous as this, such as the skylines and the way the sun breaks the crowds.) but, it also sports a bit of a mythical vibe by allowing you to kill legendary creatures and tame horses that are dead or burn with fire.

However, if you are not too keen on gore and animated blood this game isnt for you. It's quite bloody. Since blood makes me queasy I turn my head at times. Another favorite of mine about this game is its script. The script is HILARIOUS!

Well, now I am done raving about video games. I enjoyed two delicious blueberry donuts for my dinner tonight, no I am not very health conscious. Oh! And my cat, Luna, had 6 kittens. Two calico and 4 dark gray or black. I will be needing to find homes for them once they are weaned so if you are wanting a cat, I am your girl.

Keep an eye on my videos tomorrow for the first of this season's holiday videos!!!

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