Wednesday, December 29, 2010

And the after Christmas mayhem begins!

Hi everyone!
It seems I have survived the black plague of a virus that I had contracted. I am still feeling pretty weak but, I am alive and no longer purging every hour so thats a plus! The negative? Patrick contracted it, oops :D

Today I wanted to do a quick review over this AMAZING product!

Estee Lauder's Gentle Eye Makeup Remover!!!

This product came in my AMAZING Estee Lauder Glamour is Golden gift set I received for Christmas this year. At first I wasnt even going to use it because I have had TERRIBLE luck with eye make up removers. Let me first tell you my list of fears with this product.

1. With previous products, my eye lashes would become thin because they were falling out thanks to the chemicals.
2. My eyes would become red and irritated without even getting the product in my eyes because of the harsh alcohols.
3. Makeup removers can often lead to break outs or styes on the eyes or eyelids.

But, seeing as my Take It Away make up remover by Estee Lauder doesn't remove eye make up that well (it is more target to facial foundations, primers, bright eye colors, and blushes), I decided to give it a shot.

So far, I have had NO problems with this product and its reviews are nothing more than raves! This product manages to remove every hint of mascara from my lashes and shadow from my lids without an irritation! I will keep you all updated as to whether or not any long-term effects kick in but, so far I LOVE this product.

That is all for tonight!
Check out my youtube channel for a make up tutorial that I will be uploading tonight!!!!


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