Thursday, January 6, 2011

:D :D :D :D Excitement all around!

Hey everyone,

So its 7:41am and this will be the ONLY time I actually get to sit down and enjoy my day off. I am so busy today so as you can imagine, a full length blog is not in the cards to day. I just wanted to share my exciting news.

For those of you who do not follow my youtube vlog (which, you should lol) I received my 88 Cool Shimmer Pallat by BH Cosmetics yesterday and its AMAZING. The colors are so beautiful and pigmented. I can't believe it. There is a video up of me opening the box and my first reaction to the colors so you can check that out if you are interested. Some tutorials and a more in depth review will be filmed over the next few days.

Today I have no flex in my schedule. 9:30 am, get my oil in my car changed. 10am go to the Dexter Animal Shelter and take photos of the dogs for their website that I run. 10:30am go meet a lady in town to sell some of my handbags. 11am got to my hair appointment in which CHANGE will be happening. Whenever that gets done Im off to my friend Brittney W's to ride horses until it gets dark. Then Im having dinner with my family and FINALLY I get some rest time after that as I go to Patricks until late in the evening when I will be returning back home to Cape.

I think I might even post the puppies pictures on here for the fun of it. I know most of you PROBABLY cant adopt them seeing as my audience range is more big city and out of Missouri but, I think itd be neat to show you guys what I do on a bi-weekly basis!

Anyway, have a happy 6th of December everyone!

And dont forget to subscribe so you can be one step closer to winning the give-away :D TELL YOUR FRIENDS!

Meagan, AKA Gunz

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