Saturday, January 1, 2011

New years brings new products!!!

Hello to all! I hope your New Years was wonderful and grand. In the great state of Missouri it rained and stormed all night. So, Patrick and I ditched our plans and spent the evening watching television and building houses on the Sims. It may sound dull to some but, for us it was good fun!

So yesterday before the storms blew in I took some of my Christmas money and made a purchase I have been DYING to make lately. No, I have not bought my Sigma brush set yet, all though I hope too eventually. I am just trying to stay frugal with my money for now. But, this purchase is just as important to me. Actually, these PURCHASES are just as important!


Estee Lauder's Lash Primer plus!!!

So I'm sure you can assume I bought a mascara to go with this primer but, the primer is what makes the mascara just a wee bit more amazing than what it already is! This primer is really smooth. I had no problems with clumping and I think part of that has to do with the wonderfully large and bristled wand. All though warning, I did somehow manage to get a bit in my eye and it was absolutely painful. Sure it always hurts when something lands in your eye but, the chemicals in the primers formula really aggravated my eye and it was bloodshot for the first few hours of the day. Other than my own blonde mistakes, this product gets rave reviews. I give it a 8 out of 10 because of its formula was definitely not eyeball friendly ;)

To pair with this primer I bought,

Estee Lauder's Sumptuous Mascara.

Let me tell you I am SOOOO picky about my mascara's. If any of you watch my Youtube Vlog then you know my old mascara diet consisted of two different mascara's, one with a thinner wand for my lower lashes and one with a large wand for my upper lashes. You see, my lash issue is that I have very long, very fine, very blonde eyelashes. So far, no mascara has been able to grant me the volume and coverage that I need to get my lashes to their fullest potential. Until now. Paired with the primer my lashes looked 5 times longer, 5 times thicker, and 5 times darker than ever before. I am SOLD on these two products.

If price is an issue, these products may not be for you. At 46.79$ for the pair I sacrificed a lot of cash but, for the quality, it was worth it. I am not sure as to the lifespan of fine quality mascara but, if it is just as good or better than the Maybeline I was previously using then it will last me a few months.

The mascara is often featured in photoshoots held by Harpers Bazaar in which the models are always looking their best WITHOUT the use of false lashes. That should tell you enough about this product.

If you arent sure about the hefty price tag, go into a Estee Lauder department and ask them to test the product on you. It's free AND you will get to see the results yourself.

Tomorrow I will be reviewing Just Dance 2 for Wii so expect a fun one :D

Remember folks, I am in NO WAY affiliated with any of the products I review. I pay my own money and make my own reviews, these are my own honest opinions.

But now, I must go do laundry and eat some crackers. I am starving. Goodnight all and welcome to 2011!!!

Meagan AKA Gunz

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