Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I am on a ROLL today!!!


I am in such an amazing mood today! Despite the fact that I virtually have NO hours at work for the next few weeks and it snowed and iced here last night, preventing me from enjoying the outdoors, things still seemed to work their way out!

Explanations? I feel so! I have been looking for a second job to help me overcome the annoying fact that I have not been getting put on the schedule at work. I was hoping to get something horse related and after making a few calls, my hopes were getting squished. BUT, fear not faithful readers, there is a light at the end of the tunnel! I randomly stumbled across a lady who is in need of a trainer to work with her Arabian mare, Cutie, for she has developed some bad habits. And after speaking with her, she felt I was fit for the job! I am prepared to be thrown but, still I am very excited about getting out there with my training skills!

THEN, if it couldnt get any better, I stumbled across another lady who told me about the discounted lessons price for SEMO students to take English Riding lessons if they compete with the English Club at school. AND YOU DONT HAVE TO OWN YOUR OWN HORSE! Im so joining!!!! I cant wait to learn to ride English because then that makes my training skills more marketable.

Thats all I felt the need to blog about today, its a bit of a bragging blog (a brog?) but, who cares! Life is good!

Much love!

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