Friday, January 7, 2011

Why is it SOOOO cold?

Well folks, Missouri weather is bouncing around and I just can't handle it!!! Lol. One day its warm and 60 degrees and now its 40 degrees and the wind is blowing so hard that a good hair day is NOT possible. Not liking that for two reasons, A) I like to have good hair days and B) if I dont have good hair days I cant take photos of my new hair to show you guys! It seems like every photo I take my hair looks bad, the lightings bad, or the color doesnt show up right. OH WELL.

My Sigma brushes should come in today, Im just waiting for the mail to arrive. Im very impatient so its not working out so well lol. The real excitement will be using them for the first time tomorrow!!!! Trust me, reviews will be posted ASAP.

I'm loving every color in my BH Cosmetics pallet so far. I still wanna try some more of the colors before I do an in depth review but, so far- AMAZING. I have played with the purples and the burgundies and charcoals. The mix of shimmer and rich pigment makes for amazing fun eye looks. Plus with my darker hair I can play with tons of more colors. With my white hair, using pinks washed me out but, now they should look phenomenal so I cant wait!!!

Tomorrow I will release a new prize that will be in the gift basket! Remember to have your friends check it out and to subscribe!!!

Meagan AKA Gunz

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