Monday, January 3, 2011

Pretty little liars, presents to myself, and plenty of time for napping :D

Hey everyone!!!

Im off work already for the day. Since the SEMI ANNUAL SALE is going on at work, my shift was from 6am to 10am. I had to do floorsetting, basically we re-arranged the store at ridiculous early morning hours. It was SOOOO tempting because some of our makeups are 75%. Luckily, smart me made myself leave my wallet in the car early this morning to avoid the temptation. Now, I am in desperate need of a nap though! That is, until I saw that there is a Pretty Little Liars re-run all day in celebration of the new episode being released tonight :D CANT WAIT

Still no eyeshadow palette :( My UPS tracker estimates it will arrive on the fifth. I am extremely impatient so I dont know if I can wait that long but, I will try and survive! I am just imagining all the amazing looks I can create with 88 shadows of eye-color :D It will be worth the wait!!!

So as promised, I have a review for the ever popular Just Dance 2 today. Along with a surprise purchase that I have been saving up for (Reason A: on why I didnt buy the sale make up) a reveal of a surprise to be happening soon, and more info on the GIVE AWAY I will be hosting soon :D

First off: reviews!!

Just Dance 2 for Wii

The Wii has never been my favorite gaming console. Most of the time I am stuck to my computer palying WoW (not anymore though folks, cancelled my account!!!) or on the home Xbox playing games such as Red Dead Redemption or COD. I am not really the girliest of gamers and the Wii pretty much screams "I am a sissy for playing any games on this console". Honestly, not many game producers create games for the Wii because they are never as successful as the ones created for PS2 or Xbox. But, when I moved to my apartment, I couldnt take the Xbox with me. Instead, I was given the Wii (The hand-me-down game console at my house)

I wasnt too keen on playing it...ever. That is until I played Just Dance 2 with my aunt when we visited for Christmas. That game is WICKED FUN! I may be partial to it because of my dance background but, if you are looking for a get physical and have fun kind of game, this one is for you. There isnt a moment that Im standing still or not smiling. Plus, this counts as my daily workout! I love it and have set up a program where I dance 6times a day everyday to help get fit, and stay that way. I HIGHLY recommend this to anyone and everyone!

Next up on the list :D
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY I finally bought my first Sigma brushes.
I was fighting an inner battle with myself because at first, I wanted the Sigma brush sets (a cost up to 99.99) After looking more at the brushes within the sets and the prices of the individual brushes, I decided to just purchase the 2 I wanted most for now. I really dont need all the ones in the set anyway! Besides, I can always buy the ones I want later on instead of making one GIANT costly purchase.

Today I bought the

F60- liquid foundation brush

AND the

F35-tapered highlight brush.

I have yet to get an email from the USPS about my scheduled arrival of my product but, I cant wait!!! The F60 was 14$ and the F35 was 16$. Not a bad price in my opinion for the quality of the brushes. I toyed around with the idea of purchasing Crown brand brushes. (Youtube Celebrity, Fleur de Force recommended them to me for ladies buying brushes on a budget). I just didnt want to waste my money on having to purchase and re-purchase decent brushes when I could splurge a couple extra dollars and buy ones that I knew would last me a while.

PS my tips for purchasing brushes on a budget are too:
A) Search on Amazon or Ebay for new (or if you want used brushes). You can usually find nice
sets on there purchased by distributors.
B) Try looking on Every now and then they get discounts on really good brands
of make up and brushes (Crown was once on there!)
C) Check for end of the season sales on popular websites. Like clothing designers, makeup
artists have to clear out old inventory sometimes!!!

AND NOW for my big surprise.
Well, it will still remain a semi-surprise but, next Thursday I will be DRASTICALLY CHANGING MY HAIR COLOR. I hope its not DRASTIC drastic but, the color definitely wont be the same. I need a change before starting at a new college and I need to allow my hair time to rest from the every-3-week bleach/toner routine.

If you want to know more about the GIVE AWAY this is what you need to read
I am still searching for prizes. It will be a gift basket of several of my favorite products, some of which are already decided upon and I will be releasing a new item with each blog post.


Nuetrogena's Pink Pomegranate oil-free face wash.

This product is one of my favorite drug-store products. I use it every day in the shower to clean my face (Soap dries out your skin and increases the appearance of aging) and to prevent any stubborn break outs!!

Rules SO FAR are:

You must comment on the blog that I will title "GIVE AWAY"
I will need your Name and address to send you the prize (but will not ask for it after the winner has been selected)
If you are under 18 you will need to get parent approval since you will be giving me your address.
The winner will be chosen at random using a number counter online.

and the most important rule:

So- this will not happen until I get AT LEAST 75 subscribers on my blog and/or youtube channel. And I wont select a winner until there are 75 comments on the give away blog. There will be a deadline however, and if the 75 minimum is not achieved by then, then my roomie and I will save the give away for ourselves :D

There you have it folks, kind of long- Im sorry about that! But, tell your friends about my blog so we can go ahead and start aiming for that 75 minimum!!!

Meagan AKA Gunz

Find my youtube here:

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